2:56. You're an idiot. She should be spending her OWN money. NOT the money that is supposed to go to her child. The money that can be used for his/her daily necessaries. Or put towards a college fund or savings. Give me a break! fake or not. It doesn't matter. Only morons would post sh*t like this thinking we'll find it funny.
Maybe she's 17 and still receiving child support... daddy is buying her a box of shakey things. But it's probably the bitch of a mom spending her child's money on mock cock.
I agree with 2:51 a hundred billion percent. It SHOULD be documented that the money is spent on the child. My fiance got a chick pregnant before we were together and she gets $400 a month! For a 2 year old! And she's not in daycare or anything so that is a LUDICROUS amount. And btw, because of that our own child barely has shit. The system is fucking FUCKED!!!!!!!!!
People can post a lot of shit on here and it won't get to me. Overall most of these posts are hilarious. Just didn't find this one amusing. Just my opinion.
seriously people it is a fucken joke!! she probably got a token payment from a deadbeat dad so that he didnt get his drivers license taken away!! BEEN THERE DONE THAT!! the child is taken care of regardless of if he pays or not ....oh and for all the people who think there should be itemized reciepts....gladly and all the daddies child support payments would double!!
Fake or not some people do fucked up things
with child support payments that should be
for the CHILD. 2:51 that is a great idea and
should be brought to legislation.
You go girl! You spend your child's money on dildos so you can take care of yourself. Nevermind taking care of your child. Keep taking the father's garnished wages that's supposed to be used for your child's welfare on yourself. You make us single mothers so proud!
At least she's getting her kicks from a dildo. No chances of reproducing again. But seriously! It's called CHILD support. Go buy something for your kid.
This woman probably wanted to spend her money on dildos, but her dead beat baby daddy was late giving her child support AGAIN. So since she spent her money on the kids, she is spending the child support on HER. I see nothing wrong with that if that's the case! = )
You do realise that the child support payment is to supplement the money the mother spends on the child - make up for shit she already bought for the child, bills she has paid, etc in lieu of the payment, fucktards. By the way, a happy mom is a good mom - let the poor woman have her dildo.
ok people this website is just for shits and giggles. yall need to stop taking everything so seriously and CALM THE FUCK DOWN. take it with a grain of fucking salt.
If the father finds out, he can take her to court and have his child support payments reduced. It sounds like it's bad for the child, but only if the mother lacks the sensibility to spend less on sex toys to make up the difference ... which may well be the case. If it is, and it continues for too long, Child Services will be brought into it and her custody of the child put up for debate.
what a skank......she should have her tubes tied so she can't have anymore kids....i'm with 251....document document document.....here is an example where the mother shouldnt have her kid.....
This is the same type of person who is on welfare, but still has money for cable tv, tanning, getting her nails done & taco bell every night. Worthless!
leave her alone. you guys act like she is killing her kid! I'm sure she's a great mom and spending her own money on her kid. She's not worthless so stop being so harsh
Just think how much better off we would all be if the US taxpayer didn't have to support poeple like this woman. You KNOW this woman is on welfare! Its her mentallity!
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