iran does not equal arab! iranians are persians, they are not terrorists or criminals or crazy religious fundamentalists. they are normal civilians, just like you and me....
11:42, if posts on a website are enough to make you want to disown your adopted country, why aren't you offended by the president of iran denying the holocaust or the iranian government's support of terrorist groups?
you are shallow, fucking american, all of you
people in iran dont fuck their goats, people in iran are not terrorist, and they are not arabs,
ignorance? ain't bliss retards,
pick up an atlas, read a book,
america should be wiped off the map just for the sake of the person who said iran should
2:34 What doesn't make sense to me is your doing the exact same thing you seem to hate. People are saying those things so people from Iran should disappear. You're saying people in Iran don't do those things and basically that all Americans think that way, so we should disappear. Hypocrite?
STOP being so racist! To anyone who has been offended by the ignorance on this site, know that there are many people in the States who have no problem with you whatsoever. (Though 3:04, I'd much rather be in france too :) - but they also have a problem with racism)
I am an Iranian-American as well and though I do love the USA...there is so many ignorant and close-minded folks here. It makes me sick. Whatever happened to respect & class? Or how about..thinking twice about what you say?
Ahmadinejad is not the leader of Iran, he is the fucker who's killing Iranians. Iranians hate Ahmadinejad. As an American I feel disgusted and ashamed to be from the same country as these idiots. Iranians are one of the most good-looking and educated people on earth. And why are they better than us Americans? They don't associate with bigotry and racism, they are peaceful, how about that for starters.
-An American from Virginia (and they say souherners are rednecks and ignorant.)
hey, 11:42- you can do something about that. Go back to Iran if you like it so much better than our country. No one is forcing you to stay. It's America and you're free to leave if you like.
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