Hey New Zealander- I don't really know what "piggotted" means, but yea, you're right. "Disgusting" Americans are the only people who can get genital warts, right? Too bad there are more New Zealanders with stds than Americans.
some of you should talk to a health care professional and learn something. the 7:44 poster is right, 1 in 4 have had or do have HPV. and it IS something that can be cleared from the body. wart types of HPV or not. for the record, there are worse things you can get than HPV...
Needless to say! Needless to say! Needless to say! Girl, stop trying to make us think your grammar is on a level it's not. I'm sorry. This site isn't the appropriate venue to be discussing misuse of grammar, but it's a pet peeve. Anyway....
Have some self-respect! don't sleep around with guys until that's taken care of. That's just dirty!
hpv doesn't have symptoms for guys which is why it spreads so easily.. and just so everyone knows- one in four has HPV so if you've had four or more partners or if one of your partners has had four or more partners then chances are- YOU HAVE HPV. happy fucking :)
(use a condom)
10:38 - so you couldn't wait until he takes care of it before you started fucking him? Obviously, even if she hadn't told him he did eventually discovered it... whore! ;)
HPV isn't necessarily forever. I had an abnormal pap/HPV a year ago, and now I'm negative for HPV. The warts kind of HPV might be permanent, but the warts can be removed.
Maybe this girl just has a wart on her leg or something? Like it's not an STD, just an unfortunate condition? Benefit of the doubt?
should've said "needless to say" not "nevertheless". "nevertheless" implies that the warts are somehow desireable and he was an idiot to leave, which is clearly not the case. idiot. ugh. gross.
I'm sorry you have warts; that sucks. And no, that doesn't make you a whore. It can happen to anyone - condoms don't always protect against HPV because the contact area isn't always shielded. Please, please, PLEASE just let your partner know beforehand, and get on those meds.
New Zealander: your grammar and ability to spell are both simply terrible. by "piggotted" did you "pig headed" or "bigoted"? before calling Americans stupid, I think you would make a much more sound argument if you had SOME basic knowledge of the english language. PS: me=ESL
i wouldn't let a guy go down on me if my vag wasn't perfectly shaved, cleansed and properly dressed in clean/cute/sexy lingerie. if i have my period i let them know before we start making out. if i had visible warts i think i might mention it. part of engaging in sexual activity for me is feeling sexy and healthy myself. how could you feel sexy with fucking visible contagious VD? go to the gyn and a therapist. you need help!
Last time I was tested I was told I had no traces of anti-bodies for herpes or any other virus. I thought that meant I didn't have HPV. Sorrrrrrry for being ignorant.
7:43 you are an idiot. NO. You are WRONG. There is no such thing as an anal pap smear. BTW over 75% of Americans have HPV. So most of you have it and dont even know it.
"haha i think it's funny that a person can try to generalise a whole big fuck off country into a category of 'disgusting whores'. jesus nz-er, i'm AUSTRALIAN and AMERICAN and i can honestly say, all the NZ people i know are stupid sluts with something wrong with them. "
-Roffle....bit hypocritical. All in one sentence no less.
I think you geniuses will find that sweeping generalisations don't work in any context. Please try again. thanks.
HPV and herpes isn't the same thing 12:05 but they are both contagious and forever. Herpes are sores and HPV or "genital warts" are warts. the warts have to be burned off but herpes you can just take medicine for it. And you suck, I fucking hate ppl who have a STD and dont tell someone before hand, some ass wipe gave me clamydia that i had been seeing for a while, thank god it goes away in a week with antibiotics. PP like that should be shot!!
I am from New Zealand/ America (duel citizen) and I can honestly say the grammar in this country (Nz) is shit. Regarding the text, this is gross. The other person from Nz on here should know all about Hamilton being the STD capital of Nz.
how stupid do you people have to be to confuse three different std's?
herpes, genital warts, hpv... all different.
now go ahead and call me a whore because i actually know what i'm protecting myself from. idiots.
I'm going to repeat this:
You shouldn't spring something like that on someone. STDs are a serious thing, and it is really selfish of you to fool around with someone who is totally unaware that you are infected. Get some morals, and a conscience.
Warts go away, get treatment. And unfortunately the virus stays in you forever. Which can lead to cervical cancer.
I got them from my bf (who got them from a previous gf who hadn't told him) not all people get them because they are whores.
im from new zealand and i swear to god after reading this site i think americans are dirty disgusting piggotted assholes, so yeah just confirmation of what i always assumed
12:39AM-you're absolutely right.
i posted this because i thought it might get a laugh because it's so ironic that someone would be asking that when it's obviously understood that there's a good reason. it's definitely not true, seeing as to i'm a virgin in every way you could percieve the word. and also, i'm not stupid, i just made a mistake using 'nevertheless'. damn, the lot of you takes this site way too seriously.
You shouldn't spring something like that on someone. STDs are a serious thing, and it is really selfish of you to fool around with someone who is totally unaware that you are infected. Get some morals, and a conscience.
it's funny how quick all of you are to judge. she could've had sex only a few times and is at an older age. it doesn't mean she's a whore for having an STD. maybe one of her FEW partners gave it to her. and possibly it's not even an STD. it could just be that it's a condition, like 4:40PM said. wow.
and despite all that, who the hell are you to tell her what she can and cannot do with her life?
Some people on here are such fuckheads. It's actually really sad that this girl couldn't bring up the whole STI thing with her partner. Most guys DO take it the wrong way even though so many people have been exposed to it. Go ahead and keep telling yourselves that 'Oh, it can't happen to me,' but I would hope that if you were to contract a disease or virus people would not be as cruel as the people on this thread.
Why does STD=whore? It could happen to anyone, even if they've only ever slept with one person.
Now, someone that tries to sleep with someone without TELLING them about their STD...that's another story.
ok. so first off, you don't have to be a whore to have warts/any other disease, it could have happened with just one person who she might have been in a relationship who was cheating on her and she didn't know about it.
though, nice misuse of "nevertheless" please get an education. and use condoms. but i think its rude and disrespectful not to tell the guy that you have warts. Get that shit treated.
12:39AM-you're absolutely right.
i posted this because i thought it might get a laugh because it's so ironic that someone would be asking that when it's obviously understood that there's a good reason. it's definitely not true, seeing as to i'm a virgin in every way you could percieve the word. and also, i'm not stupid, i just made a mistake using 'nevertheless'. damn, the lot of you takes this site way too seriously.
Fake or not. That's disgusting. Have some respect for yourself. Now this guy is gonna go around and tell everyone he knows you have genital warts. FYL!
LOL @12:42
you'd all be surprised how many people have warts...half of the time the virus lays dormant and they never even pop up...you can still spread that shit; even with condoms.
gardisil ftw.
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