..its a fucking game...if ur kid has half a brain and ur a good parent then im sure there will be no problems....i watched and played very violent things..and listening to hard core rap music that belittled women..and I turned out fine..only smoked weed...drink a bit..i respect myself and have good friends...parents who blame there shitty kids on video games, music and movies are just looking for something to blame there bad parenting on.
parents fault, parents nowadays dont want to take the blame, they want to push everything off on someone else, kind of like a good portion of people in this fuckin country...hence all the lawsuits, censorship debates, etc
agree with @ 11:37 & 11:45!
its entirely the parents fault that let the children play these violent games. children at that age dont realize the reprocussions of their actions..thats why so many of them get hurt playing "wrestling" .. they just dont understand that tvland is FAKE.
kids are very impresionable and most of them dont understand.
every vidoe game has a rating just like movies. you have to be a certain age to buy certain games and on the back it clearly states the rating and how old you should be to play the game. gta is rated M for mature so obviously a 9 year old shouldnt be playing it. so dont blame the video game corporation when its clearly stated what age you should be in order to play the game. blame the parents bc they are the ones corrupting the kid.
This is why there are ratings on TV, movies and games...parents need to learn to read and take an active role in deciding what is too violent for their children. Stupid parents...
Agreed with 2:20. What's the big deal? I don't think these games are cultivating a new generation of killers or whatever. Its just harmless entertainment.
Nine year olds shouldn't be playing GTA in the first place, it's the parents fault for being stupid enough to let them play it... GTA is meant for a Mature audience that knows the difference between reality and virtual games...
i agree... maybe ur friend shouldnt let a 9 yr old play a game that is rated mature. its fucking stupid parents that cant control their children and let them do whatever they want. ITS CALLED SAYING NO YOU DUMB BITCH.
Fuckin idiot, its not the game that corrupts you, its your parents fault, if they let you play it. Its not like this game is for kids and the creators know it. So shut your fucking mouth.
You are ignorant as hell if you think it's the games fault. they're rated for a reason and your friend is a bad, repeat BAD parent for letting a 9-year old play a rated TEEN game before he is mentally capable of knowing the difference between fantasy and reality!
Um...no Thank Your friend; the Bad Parent for yet another epic FAIL which could lead to all kinds of social support the rest of us will have to pay for. Don't let a nine year-old play Grand Theft Auto...ever think of that?
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