i wish it was possible to cut off bits of fat and donate them lol, like, somehow turn your lovehandles into someone else's bigger boobs... kill two birds with one stone....
i'm skinny as all hell and i dont take exercise, like, EVER (gr9 gym was the last time)... although i live with a hardcore runner so she'll kick my lazy ass off the couch....
We don't even know if this person is fat. I've had plenty of friends who are normal size lament about the need to work out. Doesn't mean they don't do it.
im normal weight for my height and me and my sister have thought the same things
more like sculpting fat off your body..you know the parts that just wont go away
@5:21 - I'm fat and I've been to the DR once in the last year, FOR ALLERGIES TO POLLEN (clearly caused by my fat). I'm sorry my one trip to the DR is the cause of the high cost of YOUR high health care costs. Maybe you should go down to your local emergency room and tell people with a sore throat they should wait to see a regular doctor until the morning in stead of going to the ER. They're the ones fucking up your and MY healthcare shit. Suck my fat rolls you fuck head.
@6:01 in Louisiana, even the majority of our "fat" girls are markedly 4 times hotter than your "hot" girls up north, you ignorant, pretentious, yankee.
hahahaha i think this text is funny. just because someone said this doesn't mean they're as fat as everyone on here is quick to say.
i've had the same thought, haha.
im not gonn sit here like 4:06 and say fat people are disgusting. But I agree, I don't wanna hear your bitching about how your fat. If you don't like being fat, hit the gym. If your fat and happy then I could give a damn.
i agree 4:13. Why are these people SO UPSET that someone is fat. Besides, even skinny girls have fat on their bodies they usually want to get rid of. There is nothing indicating that this is an obese person. It's just a joke, sounds like one made from one girl to the other.
fat people suck because we have to pay for their fat asses health care. eat less..walk for 20 minutes a day..it really does not take that much effort to not be so unhealthy.
honestly, just walk a mile a day at first. that shouldn't be difficult for anyone. then walk 2 miles a day, then 3. then start jogging one mile then walking the other two, then run a 1 1/2 mile and walk 1 1/2 miles, etc. until running is easy.
i always wanna ask people like 4:06 why it bothers them if other people are fat? if you're in shape, great. but honestly how does it affect your life any? i'm not fat either but i don't really give a shit if someone else is. don't know why people get so keyed up...
only eating a meal a day would slow down your metabolism..which means it would take longer to lose weight.. eating 6 small meals a day is better for you..and whoever said they dont "take excercise"...just die.. And whoever gags everytime they see someone eating food..go fuck yourself and die..stop worrying so much about everyone else ya psycho bitch..yes i assume you're a girl
Does it really matter what people say on this sight about over weight people. NOTHING they ever say will affect your life. So let them be losers and remember Karma is a bitch.
it bothers me because when 2/3 of the population is overweight it drives up the healthcare bill considerably. more so then cigarettes and alcohol, especially when you factor in the high taxes for those "vices"
5:20: way to encourage anorexia you asshole. Do you know what happens when you don't eat for a day? Your body goes into "starvation mode." This means that your body will store a higher percentage of fat from the next meal you eat. NOT GOOD. Anorexia is not good either. It's people like you that disgust me. Stop trying to give advice unless you know your facts first.
I think it's interesting to see so many people say oh just eat less and walk.. that will make it all better. trust me. it's not that easy. so maybe if you could take your head out of your ass for one minute and realize that just because you said something...doesn't make it true. :)
This is the mindset that is destroying America. "I'm a fat disgusting blob and I eat to much and I'm lazy, but don't expect me to do anything about it."
i sometimes think the same thing as the poster! even though i workout every day sometimes i think, damn it would just be so much easier to simply grab a knife...
4:13 here.
at least 5:05 has a valid point. 5:20, you just sound like a retard. it's people like YOU that i'm talking about that only care about the aesthetics of it when that part, at least, has no bearing on you. i can tell you're not such a smart one, either, given your weight loss advice.
I can see that, 4:26. But that still doesn't answer the question of WHY you take issue with it...is it affecting you individually? Probably NOT. Which is why I don't expend energy taking issue with it.
11.48 Shut up - sure you're not using healthcare now, but what about when you develop diabetes or heart disease, which you are statistically FAR more likely to do? And hot fat girls in the south? Doubt it.
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