Poor Canada. They're more than just America's hat! They're like your cool friend who shakes their head when you do something stupid, but still hangs out with you.
All the Americans who hate Canada but have never been can just stay south of the border. We'll keep our booze at 18 and legal pot and awesome healthcare system all to ourselves. :)
Hilarious text. Quit freaking out like this is the worst thing ever and just take it as a humurous text, that's the point of this sillies. Calm down just calm down.
anyone who hates canada and hasnt been there should get shot. thats how you do it in america right? shoot people and be pro bush. fuck you guys are dumb, and fat.
Let me clear something up. Canada is amazing. we have free health care, a lower drinking age, cleaner air, and ACTUAL multiculturalism. we apologize for Avril Lavigne. OP is jealous.
Canada wasn't its own country in 1812. You are a fucking moron. I don't even know if you are Canadian or American but either way, you are a fucking moron.
I'm a patriotic American from Tennessee and Canada is cool. Also, you CANADIANS CAN DRINK! Met a few in Negril,jamaica and holy shit do they know how to party.
I'm from Canada, universal health care is awesome! I don't pay for shit. Whenever I have to go to the hospital it's free! Whenever I need medicine it's free! Fuck I love Canada.
in case u weren't sure.. yes this makes you an asshole, and yes this is why i'm so proud to be Canadian... and yes this is why the world thinks americans are ignorant jackasses... posterboy for what's wrong with your country. bravo dickhead
PS... it was pretty funny though, u know besides the whole i hate canada thing (i just posted), yeah i can totally picture the stare down it must've been intense her being 6 and all lol
I'm from the U.S., went to canada when i was 19 and had such a good time i got a maple leaf tat when i was wasted. fuck all you canada haters, canada rules.
In response to the well informed person at the top: In Texas we are neutral to Canada. The only Canadians I've ever met were nice. It's Mexico we're concerned about... only Northerner's hate Canada. So suck it. You don't know Texas.
To all the American bashers: fuck you. Stay the fuck out, stop eating at our restaurants that have popped up throughout the world, buying our clothes being sold throughout the world, benefitting from out military action through out the world. Are we hated? Good, fuck you, stop trying to be like us and saying you're not.
I am not proud to be canadian, because of all you little bitches. Canadians who are getting all bent outta shape are just plane fucking lame. I love my country, even though I might not express that enough, but I do. The American or who ever wrote this is bad fucking ass, props on him for Being funny.
Canada is awesome. I don't know why the Americans hate us so much! Maybe they're bitter that they LOST. Or perhaps it's because we don't want to fight in their pointless war. And even though you have some sort of universal health care, I still don't respect the states because half of you hicks still think it's a bad idea. GO CANADA!!!
Okay. I'm from Canada and seriously people, you think calling people from Texas bigots is gunna make us better? No, sure their may be some bigots in Texas but their is probably bigots everywhere. That is exactly the shit that is going to make Americans hate us even more. People need to grow up and stop hating on eachother because if we don't the world ain't going NOWHERE! So please just STOP!!!! US may not be perfectbut seriously, neither is Canada so...
PS... it was pretty funny though, u know besides the whole i hate canada thing (i just posted), yeah i can totally picture the stare down it must've been intense her being 6 and all lol
man. americans don't even have a reason to hate canada. they got liquor from us for like, how many years when prohibition was still goin on there? we're so nice to you guys.
you're like the big-shot jockey who only talks to the pretty-ugly nerdy girl so she'll do your homework.
ya'll are just jealous cause we got it good with our younger legal alchy age , and you're all obese.
I'm from Canada. And this txt is still awesome. You other Canucks should lighten up. Some Americans are too sensitive. You should all know this by now.
I love how the only thing separating Canada and America is technically just an imaginary line drawn on a map, and yet we are apparently so 'vastly different' that we feel he need to bitch about how much the others suck. Too funny.
what the fuck? why are you hating on canada? oh, lemme guess: because you were born in america (the south, specifically), and you can't face that america isn't the best country in the fucking world, and other countries actually are superior to it. well fuck it. when i turn 18, i'm moving to canada as fast as you can say "fuck america".
LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THAT IS HILARIOUSSSSSSSSSS all u haters need to shut the fuck up don't read controversial shit if you're going to have a stick up ur ass while doing so. And i'm from NY and I think it's funny, so that disproves the asshole's theory about this must being a bigot from Texas.
and whoever said "that was a bigot from texas" is using an ignorant stereo-type about america to defend a joke on canada. ur a fucking moron.
i used to hate canada too but then realized that it was immature...ya know, hating a place that i'd never been to. (actually i hated it cause of avril lavigne but thats another story) kinda seems like you need to reconsider who you take your anger out on. a 6 year old, really?
1:27--you hated a whole country because of one person? We dont hate the US for fucking heidi and spencer or paris hilton
4:53--I hope that is a joke? Why wouldnt you want universal healthcare?
honestly i wouldnt have let the kid sit next to me, and not even cause of the canada thing...little kids that age creep me out, plus the canada shirt...anything that says "i love ..." should be burned...unless its on beautiful women and says i love giving random bj's...then it needs to be put on the floor and burned during said random bj
I could see it if it were an adult wearing the shirt, but a 6yr old? You DO realize she probably doesn't buy her own clothes... right? Just saying you should get over yourself a little. Don't like something? Do like the rest of us do and drink.
lol everyone knows the states and canada are bros. americans have the guns to shoot our enemies and we have the pot to smuggle across the border, its all good. its the rest of the goddamn world we should be hating on
HAHA i'm from Canada and i must say that Obama = awesome and Harper = the best thing our government has to offer us..i guess... but the States are a bunch of Mexico touchers... just throwing that out there
ugh, we had and settled this argument back in 1812. Today, Canadians are a classy, awesome, friendly people whereas Americans are hellbent on aggressively defending their tired stereotypes, reinforcing exactly how uninformed they are about the entire rest of the world. Quit posting already, you aren't helping yourselves!!
This shit is funny. Honestly man, Canada jokes are funny. I'm from Florida, and Florida jokes are funny to me..and trust me there are plenty. Everyone just needs to lighten up and stop taking everything to heart.
I don't have any issues with Canadians, but I really don't like kids. I would have done the same thing. The only thing worse than being stuck next to a little kid on a plane, is being stuck next to a really fat person, with one of those pillows that go around the neck like a doughnut. GROSS!
Oh, sorry 1:56. Our bads. Thanks for pointing out... NOTHING! "fuck you" "fuck her" it's all relative in regards to a six year old. Douchebag! How dumb and stupid are you for making irrelevant statements.
Dumbasses are in recession cuz ur fucking greddy douchebags and your insulting us? U ruined the global economy! You elected Bush TWICE!! That right there proves my point. Enough said
Fuck you. Canada is the single greatest country in the world and that six your old Canadian girl probably looked at you shook her head and thought. Aww fuck not another one. Don't they make you buy two seats. Fat ass. Have fun at mcdonalds asshole.
if someone from say Europe read through this page, they'd never want to go to either country! Yeesh! Yes, I'm a proud Canadian, and love every part of this country (even Quebec) BUT I have a HUGE ton of friends from the States, and would love to some day visit all of them. Think about it, if you're friendly with BOTH sides of the boarder, instead of bitching, you can get the best of BOTH worlds!
4:53 here
To answer you question 4:58 I will give you just 2 points since i dont want to make this long 1. We can't afford it example: i have $30 and a item costs $50. 2. Studys show that we will get worse health care with this plan so why pay for it
So you can honestly say 2:10 you've never said fuck you/her/him/it or whatever in reference to a kid?? Its not like kids don't do shit that posses people you fucking cunt
I say FUCK USA as they are pompous douchebag's that hold themselves on a pedistal but say they are from Canada when abroad so they actually get respect.
People if you don't think this is funny then just get off if this website or iPhone app or however your viewing this. This is the kind if humor this site us all about.
I wouldn't want some Canada loving, 6 year old brat sitting next to me on a flight either, my friend. That's probably due to the fact that I am a hateful, drunken cunt. Deal with it.
funny as fuck and i'm from canada... no offense taken either, we don't hate in canada, just get hammered and play hockey lol (we do smart things too though ;) ).... just responding to one reply about the US aiding in the war though... u guys cost us a billion dollars a day 'aiding' in this 'war'.... just sayin'
Aug 30 - 7:59pm
I am well aware of that, I am more proud of the fact that it was Newfoundlanders that burnt the white house down. Yes they may have been british troops, but they were militia from newfoundland (if I remember correctly). Maybe screech makes you invincible.
This thread is hilarious, gotta love ignorance on both sides of the border.
yeah man have some sensitivity in your text messages. but no seriously i laughed my ass off picturing the head shake. i am not jealous 8:59, i get to live here in the US of A. besides more fucking is a sign that there is nothing to do. how often do you think people in trailer parks fuck...... A LOT.....but does that mean i'm liquidating my assets and buying a double-wide. no it does not is the answer.
That has got to be some of the funniest shit I've read. Pure hilarity. Like a scene right out of one of those drunken bachelor movies...like the hangover or something
shut up dude, i was like....12 when i decided i hated canada cause of avril lavigne. and if you can read it says that i realized that its immature & stupid.... and PLEASE hate us cause of spencer and heidi... shit...they make ME hate the US and i live here...so chill out. its all in good fun.
3:08- Hostile, I love Canada. Why aren't you at least the slightest bit happy that America has a black president? Maybe you should go live in Texas with this a-hole.
Funny that Americans are the only ones who have anything against Canada.. we can travel freely in other countries without having to worry about anything .. If you hate Canada so much then maybe, those of you that do, should stop wearing Canadian flags on backpacks when you go to places like Europe just so you are not hated on. I'm not going to say fuck the US.. but I will say FUCK ALL YOU IGNORANT BASTARDS WHO DON'T EVEN HAVE RESPECT FOR YOURSELVES!
Americans are ignorant. Every American I've ever met is an idiot. Americans are just jealous cuz we dong have to declare war for oil and people like us. Also, free healthcare. 'buff said.
Poor small minded Americans. When you guys are gonna get bombed AGAIN by terrorists because they are phased that you're bombing them and stealig their oil you're all gonna be crying for us to help you!
@ 6:09PM
pot IS basically legal. I'm pretty sure the most they can do if you've got 6 grams or less is to take it away. it's when you're carrying MORE than 6 grams on your person that you've got problems.
2:09 knows what's up! it's true American beer is like... 3% or something, most Canadian beer is 5% or higher. I quite enjoy living in Canada, free doctors visits I can go out to bars durning my freshman year it's pretty swell :).
Canadians are knifed all the time abroad. They just don't report it because no one cares. I am sure canadians care but they are to busy watching hockey.
Yeah we American bomb countries to take their oil. WTF are you going to do about it? Your not going to do anything cuz you are related to the fretch.
I'm not a fan of Canada, because everyone I've met from there is an asshole (although I'm sure there are also nice Canadians I haven't had the pleasure to meet... so don't get mad). However, the girl is only 6. Her mom probably picked the shirt for her. Have a little sensitivity!
Hilarious. I have nothing against Canada. You guys are like the kid down the street you keep around just to make fun of. It's all fun and games... No hard feelings, eh?
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