my iphone just auto-corrected drink to drnknghhhg...
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Suckee suckee! GI #1
I believe that is the phonic spelling
youre vibegar $pimpsalot$
Someone's done a lot of drnknghhhg-ing and texting.
You're (^^^) whatever guy. You are a fucking moron with no life hiding behind the anonymous label. Big Tone will kick your ass...
this made me really happy.
maybe this wasn't submitted on an iPhone..? haha
You're a dinky dau whore
I don't understand how even though NOBODY ever feeds the 'you're (above post)' troll, he won't fucking DIE. I'm fully expecting a 'you're die' after this.
Hahaha, yea I've had a few moments were my phone thought I was drunk also.
I'm feeling your pain lol
haha your iphones drunk
Wana = Wanamaker on iPhones.
Yes why is it that iPhones tend to make corrections to things that don't need correcting, and don't correct things that are like djkfgkk?
Good stuff :) -Red
I think your phone can tell just how drunk you are, then auto drunk text your friends
That's cus u splet it like that b4
Yeah, I call shanannagans too. iPhone always autocorrects to capitalize the P. Who would constantly change it to lowercase? That's stupid
My iPhone just corrected whatch to whatchamacallit
Not fake I've done this
YOU'RE ANNOYING. oh my fucking god.
Ok, people need to stop with the you're (^^^) posts. Really..but that nobody one as nice
Lol that means you've said that before
Cum is candy for girls
Wow even your phone is drunk
And let in cum on my chest -etc
(=^-^=) it's a kitty
Finally some iPhone texts! I've been waiting for these. Damn you iPhone and your affinity for correcting me.
Your mom analed as I did your dad
This is fake... iPhones correct iphone to iPhone. Fail.
Haha I'm sick of my iPhone changing my Fuck to duck
I blew an iPhone -quiet guy in the corner
It's trolls. Not just one. I know thos because o often partake on this particular act if trolldom and do not do all of it. Trolls. Dick.
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