Prostitute standing on the corner thrusting at cars as they drive by. New marketing strategy?
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Gotta be proactive during a recession.
First best txt frm lst nigt ever
I live near columbus, and this isn't surprising in the least.
I request pictures Maybe you should try her out
Blowjob is $30, pussy is $50, anal is $70, and HIV is free. That's called a bonus.
Could be broad
Amen Columbus! The cbus hoes do it best
Creative Marketing at it's finest. Her stocks/or other things have risen sharply in a HARD economy!
columbus at its best.
Rofl I could totally picture This
Hahahahaha made my day
Gotta love c-bus... Probably out in the hick area.
Has to be out on Main St.
4:00 Oh god I lol'd, you could totally do something like this too Blowjob $30 Pussy $50 Anal $70 HIV........ Priceless
Commenting "fake" on every one is totally clever
wish there were pictures!
Very funny mental image. Bravo for not posting some idiotic observation about life or a walk of shame.
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