I'll trade you a raw potato for some vodka
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I like how you think
In response to the first response. We Irish drink whisky goddamnit. Vodka's for pussies.
this motherfucker has got to be Russian <3
I'll gladly pay you tuesday for a hamburger today :)
Oui c'est vrai merci
yeah that's it. not only do i want a raw potato, but i'm willing to give up alcohol for it.
I would totally take the potato over the vodka
yeah, last year this site used to make me laugh. now, not so much
but the vodka may be spiked with methylated spirit
Really really really lame!
I rather enjoy it when whales ejaculate inside of my anus. BLACK DICK
Even though it might not be amazingly funny, it's probably one of the dew real submissions.
In Soviet Russia, raw potato trades you.
this isn't funny how did this get on here???
This site is getting lame. There was a time when the texts were actually worth sharing with others.
potatoes are just vodka ahead of time
that was hilarious, raw potato, at least it wasnt potato with white arms growing out of it
This is great if you don't get it you are dumb and do not know your origins of alcohol
Choppin is soooo good!
Haha that's hilarious
Hahaha so fucking epic!
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