i hit her car. ill just send her a farmville gift in the morning. then it'll be alright.
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Farmville... Sucks Text about Farmville... Sucks Guy(s) who moderate TFLN... Sucks
haha i have to admit i play farmville when theres nothing to do at work, but my plants are dead the next time i check them so i got no where
"BACON IS GOOD FOR ME" you're a dumb fuck.
Man up and pay for the damage you did!
Hahaha you're a boss.
FARMVILLE ROCKS, btw it's not something that you could possibly play all day. You are able to exit the basement once and a while.
You lose at life since you play farmville
no, seriously, you're fuckin stupid.
Lmao! How will a farmville gift make up for hitting someones car.
Perfect. I love this.
if only life works this way... oh wait, it does.
3:41 i don't play farmville. so obviously no.
Hey 11:10 I'm guessing you didn't get a gift in farmville so stfu
This is not funny at all.
i once hit somebody in the face....in the face!
Hahaha farmville makes up for everything
Only in rock hill haha
10.42 if he's playing on farmville it's too late for him to man up
Guys who moderate TFLN don't read the texts...busy playing farmville...
i am pretty sure i know who this was.
proof that the fuckers around here are way too obsessed with farmville! what the fuck! get it together sc
the only thing more annoying than these stupid post is the ugly whore in the Malibu Body/Swim Suit.. not attractive at all!
I find this hilarious.
Carolina kicks ass!!!
Omg- virtual world colliding with real life
Omg if you hit my car and just sent me a farmville gift for it I'd take your computer and run it over. Repeatedly.
Your all fucking dumb. Shut the fuck up.
typical south carolina driver.....
WTF is a farmville gift
You're going to have to send her a farmville gift for the rest of your life.
That is so freakin funny... But seriously farm town is better
Send her a pretzel instead.
My car was in a hit and run last night...is ur vehicle RED?
I despise farmvile with a passion
wtf is today douchebag day in TFLN?
Minton? Was this you?
It's obviously fake. No one who plays farmvilke leaves their moms basement
hurry up and send the white jack-o-lantern before its out of stock...that should do the trick
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