If you win this game of words with friends, ill suck you off for 30 minutes. No lie.
I cant last that long. Do i get the rollover minutes?
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It's head. What's the point of lasting long? Do you get a prize if you don't finish? Rollover minutes is brilliant.
At least he's honest
Ohhh Oklahoma.....
You must love att
This would be funnier if the girl replied what do you think I am the AT
Hmm... If his oral skills are good enough, he gets to see her "oral skills". 30 minutes... Damn, if she can go that long, she must love her "job".
Words with friends rocks! Deb207
What the heck is game of words?
Lmao love this girl
words with friends is an app for iphone/itouch. it's basically scrabble
Jake smith.
words with friends: Dateykay same deal for me if you live in my area ;-)
Now that's a fuckin plan!
Hahaha rollover min
Almost first :)
Haha reply was what? Girl: when my father rolls over in his grave! Guy: isn't he alive? Girl: yay! He gets it!
Good game
I would cheat
Only in OKC.
I say bad night cause he can't last for 30 minutes but good night for the rollover joke
Can -you- last 30 minutes when you're getting a really good bj?
Words with friends, bowfishinlady here hit me up!
I have a nice hard cock she can suck for the remaining 28 mins...
They are both dudes lmao
U pussy.. And honey you'll need more than 30 for me
In soviet russia, game of words suck off you!!!!!
I love words with friends. Thedollylala play me suckas
10:10. Thats lame as fuck
This is what makes ok girls seem like sluts :(
I have a nice hard dick she can suck on for the remaining 28 mins..
Only with AT
Nothing beats a 30 minute blowjob!!!
Man just wait til she evolves into the unlimited for a plan that costs slightly extra lolzz
haha niiiice! :)
I freaking love words with friends. If anyone has It and wants to play.. My username is Haley Killjoy
Smooth move
Shit i forgot on the post below The Re-Revenger
9:53 don't be mad we got the Durantula bitch... Must be from seattle.
I'd totally whoop your ass in WWF if that were the winning prize. /scrabblesolver
How much for the unlimited plan?
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