There are women out there who can't conceive children, and then there are idiots like you who drink while pregnant with your "unwanted" child. If you don't want your baby, there's someone out there who DOES.
could not agree more...this makes me sick. so many couples desperately want many suffer through miscarriages... and here she is, blessed with a baby, and she does this.
Obviously she is not "blessed" with it, otherwise she wouldn't be so retarded with it. Just because you want a child doesn't mean everyone does. Deal with it - for some people it is just an unwanted parasite. She should be aborting, however, not fucking it's life up.\n\nYou can't just take the best case scenario and assume that it applies to everyone. Don't just assume that puppies and rainbows exist for everyone when it comes to children. Unwanted children tend to become
Obviously she is not "blessed" with it, otherwise she wouldn't be so retarded with it. Just because you want a child doesn't mean everyone does. Deal with it - for some people it is just an unwanted parasite. She should be aborting, however, not fucking it's life up. You can't just take the best case scenario and assume that it applies to everyone. Don't just assume that puppies and rainbows exist for everyone when it comes to children. Unwanted children tend to become abu
Joke or not. Fuck you for insinuating. \nThings to look forward to:\n-shrill cry because the baby is "detoxing", will be fussier than other newborns\n-heart defects\n-lack of coordination\n-Abnormal behavior, such as a short attention span, hyperactivity, poor impulse control, extreme nervousness and anxiety\n-Distinctive facial features, including small eyes, an exceptionally thin upper lip, a short, upturned nose and a smooth skin surface between the nose and upper lip
Are you goddamn kidding me? I have friends who would be perfect parents and have been trying for a baby for years, but can't get it to happen. And you're just going to wreck your baby? \n\nGet the hell out of Idaho, you piece of crap.
Submitted by
on May 11, 10 at 10:00pm
If your going to be that much of a jackass why are you still pregnant? If you dont care about the health of your child than you obviously dont care about your child at all so why not abort before you screw your baby up even more by being the worse mother alive. I really hope this is a joke.
wow could you sound more redneck? i think this chick's disgusting too but when shit like this happens, what are you supposed to do? refuse aid to the kid because s/he has crap parents? "sorry kid, you're gonna have to go without shoes or proper food because of something your mother did before you were even born, even though that was completely out of your control. that's what you get for having a whore for a mom!" ah, what a way to make the world a better place.
I'm glad that your child will come into a world where it's loved by its main caregiver. Oh, wait, she's a fucking idiot who would drink when she's pregnant, and will most likely have her child taken away by DCFS. I hope that your baby finds a loving family somewhere, because it sure as hell better not be with you.
As a pregnant young woman I just held my stomach after reading that... Joke or not, TFLN shouldn't have posted this. Hormones talking? Maybe. But once that life is inside you it's hard to believe anyone could harm their child from conception onwards.
Submitted by
on May 11, 10 at 11:02pm
I hope whoever originated this is joking! If so it's NOT funny! If this person is serious they need to abort asap. And I don't even believe in that but that poor baby is probably already messed up due to her mothers stupidity. Just go sterilize your self. Jerk
You need to put the damn drink down before your kid is even more messed up than he already would have been having you as a mother. Your friend, poopy pants.
I like everyone else thinks this goes beyond TFLN crudeness. This isn't to be celebrated. This is tragic and wrong and I'm almost rooting for the would be mom to fall down some steps, fall into a coma, miraculously give birth while in the coma and give that child a chance in life. To shame for any ass giving a thumbs up and for this making the cut.
What does being from Idaho have anything to do with this horrible text, you narrow minded piece of shit? If we looked at all the TFLN from your state would that be an accurate description of you? fucking moron.
Okay, I'm pro-life. But if you're going to do shit like this instead of give the baby to a loving home, have a fucking abortion. I hope this is fake. Keep your legs closed from now on. You don't deserve sex.
the 204 people who "liked" this should be ashamed of themselves. I don't see how any part of that sentence is likable. retarded ass bitch. she doesn't deserve to be pregnant. this pisses me off, TFLN..
I've lived in Idaho my whole life. People here don't act like that. It's kinda sad that in a place like this that is FILLED with Mormons and nice people you still end up an alcoholic piece of trash. You are embarrassing us all douche face.
This is DISGUSTING!!! Have you ever heard of birth control or a condom??? Or both? Especially if your gonna ruin a innocent babies life because your too selfish to quit drinking for 9 months. If your not gonna take care of that baby then you shouldn't even be having sex!! Cuz obviously your not mature enough! Ugh this made me mad!
You stupid bitch, I just lost a wanted baby and you go and do this. You are a self whore and should give that baby to someone who will love it because you are obviously not worth shit! And TFLN you should be ashamed for allowing this on your site
Wow. Really? Really?!! Why don't you just go have an abortion, you dumb bitch, you obviously don't give a shit. Why the hell stop drinking when the baby bump shows? You don't care enough to stop now! Way to be an adult and take responsibility for your actions!!
You had to know this would be the reaction. Did you do this to piss ppl off??? You can't really be that stupid can you??? If so then I hope you get hit by a bus. At least it would be saving your baby heart ache! Oh n saving your states tax dollars! You welfare trailor piece of shit excuse for a person.
I think you need to get punched in the fucking face you stupid bitch. And then you're going to hate yourself for doing what you did once you're holding your baby. I smoked with my son, and I felt like shit looking at him knowing that I smoked. Even though he is healthy, I was lucky. But you're fucking stupid.
"AbortParasites" is by far one of the most stupid people I've ever come across. Yeah, I'm being that dramatic. A "parasite" doesn't have tiny arms, legs, eye sockets
Obviously she is not "blessed" with it, otherwise she wouldn't be so retarded with it. Just because you want a child doesn't mean everyone does. Deal with it - for some people it is just an unwanted parasite. She should be aborting, however, not fucking it's life up. You can't just take the best case scenario and assume that it applies to everyone. Unwanted children tend to become abused children - like this one.
Just so you know it only takes one night of accessive drinking for fetal alchol syndrome to happen. It can happen before you even know your pregnant I hope everyday you look at your child you feel shame for selfish hooves you make. They should freeze eggs until you can pass an iq test to be a parent.
What's sad is that ppl gave a thumbs up to this. This bitch obv doesn't want the child so she should just abort it rather than fuck up its life by having a chance of having a child with fas. God, I'll wire hanger her!!
Do you know anything about being pregnant? Dumb people like this need to be smacked. Way to go messing that poor baby up. And when the baby won't sleep or does nothing but cry you only have yourself to thank. I know drug babies and the parents that have chosen to take of them and nothing is easy. Just think about that.
Wow. Are you fuckin joking? How about since you were stupid enough to not be on birth control you should stop drinking. Time to grow the fuck up and assume responsibility.
It's people like this who should be sterile, not responsible people who would actually take care of themselves and fetus.. Perhaps you should take a coat hanger and masterbate, then get your tubes tied or get on both control and save the world from one less piece of shit who doesn't think there are consequences for their actions.
Wow you are a bad mother in the making. I agree with the whole their are people out there who really want children and here you are having one and don't care.
But the fact of the matter is she isn't one of those people. Just because some people want children doesn't mean everyone does. You can't assume the whole world is filled with puppies and rainbows. Unwanted children tend to become abused children. She shouldn't fuck it's life up, but aborting is still a better option.
WTF. That's some messed up shit. Go ahead and make the childs life horrible by screwing with it while it's developing. I'm sure you'll feel acomplished
Honestly this is a fricking rediculous post. It's not funny even if you were being sarcastic. Your a fucking idiot and do not deserve to have a kid. If you didn't want one maybe you should have thought of something like birth control. That's all.
Hey, how about some thalidomide so your kid's got deformed limbs on top of its mental retardation?\n\nEasily one of the most disgusting texts I've read here so far.
If this is supposed to be a fun site, no need for all the lecturing . She's not going to take advice from this site. Yet she paid the $2.99 to download it... Cmon no common sense.
Why is everyone so bent about this...ppl put this kind of shit on here to PISS u ppl off then laugh about how upset you relax, and if it's true...your hate comments about "ohh my gosh ppl can't have babies and ur gonna kill yours" blah blah blah bullshit makes me actually, nevermind, keep it up! Hahaha
Ur an idiot and don't deserve a baby and obviously aren't mature enough to have one. Grow the fuck up and give that baby away to someone else whose not a loser
Lol, this is one of the better TFLN... I'm glad there are still people who believe in freedom of speech. People are entitled to drink if they want to. We shouldn't judge. Besides, it's probably fake.
Let's be realistic. Lots of people post things on this site that aren't true just for the attention. Yeah, it's a horrible thing to insinuate, but chill out guys, this is just some dumb kid looking for the worst thing they can think of to get on the site. By freaking out and giving all these ratings, you're just validating their moronic actions.
Apparently you were too stupid to prevent the pregnancy so do that child a favor and give it to a family that will love it! Your a stupid child yourself still that's for sure. As someone who can't have my own childen I find this disgusting! I would give anything to have a child and here you are trying to ruin one.
Just mentioning, sometime ppl call beer bellies beer babies so she may just be talking about the way a belly pooches out when u drink too much and fill ur stomach, or just eventually getting a beer belly by gaining weight... But if she really is pregnant than she's a stupid evil bitch
Submitted by
on May 18, 10 at 12:18am
I've lived around numerous people with FAS and I've seen how much it has affected them and held them back.\nPeople like you should just be shot and taken out of our gene pool. Hope I read about you in 'The Darwin Awards' someday.
Submitted by
on Jan 10, 11 at 12:10pm
Actually, check out the statistics on abortions. Not to be racist, but it tends to be in communities that have higher poverty rates and lower education rates. And poverty and education rates tend to be classiest and racist. Mostly it's a class thing, but that class thing says your text is statistically wrong.
I doubt that if she was serious, that she'd post it on TFLN... Get real, people joke about stuff like this, no reason to start preaching. QUIT JUDGING OTHER PEOPLE!
Submitted by
on May 11, 10 at 11:25pm
This teenager is probably getting the biggest kick reading all the comments from the idiots freaking out. Instead of ranting on a joke website about child birth and ethics, why don't you people get out and protest for pro-life. Try actually being productive about it instead of wasting away behind a computer. Two thumbs up!
Any other racist, drunk, etc tfln is just fine, but when someone makes, what I presume, is a harmless joke between friends we completly attack them. I'm sure she's just messing around
Your stupid. Why is this on this site??? I hope you get your child taken away from you , if you even make it that far, and you rot in hell fir not even giving the child a chance! And if it was a joke, find another way to be funny than to talk about your unborn child you stupid bitch.
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