how is that child abuse? He is sitting in a cart holding a sign, not getting the shit beat out of him. Try reading "the child called it" THATS child abuse.
way to judge someone there 5:19...just because this kids parents made him hold a sign in walmart you automatically think there is child abuse going on?? thats a stretch...
I have kids and really wish I had thought of that one first!
Making a kid hold a sign that advises someone what he or she can or cannot do is not child abuse. The kid is being held accountable for misbehaving, that's more than s lot of parents do.....that's the problem. That parent probably had talked to that kid until they were blue in the face. They got tired of talking and got inventive; this is a smart parent. I bet the kid will behave after this.
What was the purpose of including the fact that tfe kid was deaf? I could understand if the kid was blind. Being dead only adds to the story if you included that you asked who made him/her hold the sign.
When I was little my mom called temper tantrums "dog fits," so when my sister would have one my mom made her wear a paddle around her neck that said "I'm a dog." But it was classy bc she only made her wear it in the house.
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Yes, we in the south call it a buggy and I would totally do that to my child!! It should be embarrassing to have to do that and then maybe they will think twice next time. Although, I'm a huge fan of spankings. Parents should discipline their kids. That's what's wrong with America, but that's a whole new subject.
That's actually brilliant. Saves you from having to deal with CPS for smacking them. Go parents go! And also, 5.19, plz to go kill yourself. Discipline =/= child abuse. Obviously your mommy and daddy treated you like a special snowflake WAY too long.
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